Thursday, 3 September 2009

I didn't say anything.

Or at least that is the assumption that obviously has been made.
Maybe people have been consciously ignoring what I have said due to the fact that I can be full of nonsense. "The boy who called wolf." comes to mind.
Because I often joke around and can be quite hard to take seriously so when I do actually become serious people ignore me. They choose not to hear me because they are so certain that I am still joking around. This is of course a thing that I can blame on myself to quite some extent, but I should tell you that I have become more serious than I used to be. Even if it is not that apparent to many of you.
So I do try, but being serious doesn't seem worth it when people won't hear what you are saying.
At the same time I am faced with a dilemma, if I point out that I feel ignored, those who start listening at that point probably just listens because tehy feel sorry for me. That leads to people listening to me because they HAVE to and not because they WANT to and how much of what I am saying will they remember if that is the case.

So I want to tell people I'm feeling ignored. I almost want to smush it in peoples faces so they don't treat me with that kind of disrespect. This also means that I have to work hard to be someone who listens to what other people have to say.
But when I get ignored over and over again from people I really listen to when they speak, it is like being spat in the face. Like my opinion is not important what so ever.
So I'm feeling ignored.. but then again if I am ignored I reckon no one would read this far in my post anyway. If you did.. thank you for showing an interest.