Monday, 23 March 2009


Things have very much changed since I last wrote, some things remain unchanged, some things have the possibility to change and some things are not even worth mentioning.
It seems like this blog might be coming to an end.
Every mental image and each scenario I decide to discuss seems discussed.
I can see my own mental pattern as I relapse into old ways of thought and everything that pops up in my mind has a "deja vu" effect.
It would seem I should be out of topics to write about and that is exactly what is happening.
I am running out, which would seem like a good thing but at the same time it's sad. Since I enjoy putting my thoughts into print.
There is however one subject which is vital to discuss.

The changing of people.
Because people do change, but it is not the changing that is the interesting part. What is interesting is what triggers the change and what people change into.
So many small insignificant factors play a huge part in the smallest events when it comes to people changing.
A chain of events spiral into one particular moment in which one person can see the apparent change another human has made, but only if both persons have some sort of connection to one another.
Only when you "truly" know someone you will be able to see the remarkable changes that person can make when put into a certain situation. Or the change they make when exposed to objects that sets ablaze emotional flames long forgotten within the human mind.

But these changes that seem to occur so suddenly can be for both better and for worse. We have all seen people be corrupted and destroyed by the wrong influence, others become great people which can be looked upon with admiration and respect. Most of the time however the change will only render in the part which is for the worse. Why this is can be discussed and pondered upon.
Maybe it's best to leave everyone to their pathetic changing and never speak of it again, but when the changing can be more controlled maybe then should we worry about the fatal consequences which most likely will occur when the wrong person makes the most incorrect decision. A decision with all the capabilities of the destruction of this world.

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