Tuesday, 31 March 2009

The unpredictable.

Since most of us are so aware of ourselves in the way we think, act and analyze it is not surprising that people with that kind of self awareness can predict the outcome of several situations in which they find themselves throughout life.
I can predict most things coming my way but I've noticed a recent change in that particular area. All of a sudden things are no longer clear and several things has happened, most of them good believe it or not.
Have I gone this blind over the years that I have actually lost the ability to forsee happiness and joy. Am I so used to things not going my way that my mind has solely forgot how to predict that which is good?
Not one of the abilities I am very fond of losing, but it does make some kind of sense. Happiness seems to come along so seldom these days that some sort of sadness has clouded my mind making it all that more difficult to spot the good things, even if your staring bliss itself in the eye.

But being able to predict happiness may also render in the loss of pure happiness because if we have the ability to forsee good things we also lose the moment of positive surprise towards that moment of happiness.
So I am faced with a problem. I could endure not knowing when good things are about to happen and let my mind continue to single out the bad moments and helping me forsee them. Or I could learn to forsee good moments as well and can with that knowledge steer my ship to the more joyful moments which I often crave to some great extent.

Another dilemma, it seems they just wont run out.

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