Sunday, 19 April 2009

Sunday special.

Well if you haven't noticed it's my third sunday in a road i'm posting a blog entry. Well many would technically call it Saturday but I really couldn't care about that right now.
Since I haven't read through my blog recently this might be subject I've already adressed but I'll do it again just to be sure.
Events of recent have been happening with mixed feelings. "An emotional rollercoaster" to use one catch-phrase. I was really glad because it was such a special day a couple of days ago and everything seemed great, but I encountered human betrayal and lack of respect once again. Every good thing that the current day was suppose to represent somehow got overshadowed by the sad factor that is the human race!
At that very day it was easy to put aside and focus on more important things that was going to happen. Now that I have had the chance to melt that wonderful day I still get stuck by the lack of respect I was showed during this day.
My past caught up with me in a suspicious way and it actually showed me that, even though there are many things I am sceptical towards which turns out to be much better, there are some things I should be sceptical about but that I have no suspicion towards what so ever.
So I got fooled by onw of the oldest tricks in the book. So inviting and trustworthy was the whole situation that it had failure written all over it.
Now I can learn from my "mistake" , if that's what you should call actually truting someone, and try to forsee the same tragical event before hand to such extent that it can be avoided completely.
Now I can look forward to more situations of the same caliber, situations that should be friendly and welcoming only to swiftly change into a hostile and threatening one.
This is all because of my past and people who cannot let go of that past, people who can't let go of the person I used to be.

That ladies and gentleman was this weeks Sunday Special! Hope you enjoyed it...

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