Saturday 11 October 2008

Memory loss.

Last night as I was laying in bed I came to hink of some horrible things. My thoughts at that time were probably some of the darkest thoughts I have had in at least 2 years. Many of those thoughts unfortunately made perfect sense and I was on the brink of losing my mind. In the midst of my dark but yet infernal brain activity I came across some ideas and some facts that I found extremely intriguing. I remember, that just before falling asleep, I said to myself "Be sure to remember this in the morning."
However, as I sit here I can not for my life remember the exact thoughts. I do however remember that I had them, which really pisses me off.
Maybe I should have got up and written the thoughts down on some piece of paper, but I was really tired and all those dark thoughts had taken away both willpower and strength thus rendering me utterly useless and weak at the time.

I'm sure these thoughts will come back to me, perhaps tonight if I am lucky. The reason for me to have that hope is that there are seldom one single night where I have dark thoughts, it is usually three to four nights in a row where I only think about dark subjects. That is why I am quite sure that I will remember that which I should have remembered today, tomorrow, or the day after that.
As for now I will search my mind in order to find that which was important at the time. Even though I consider it a good thing not to remember all those dark thoughts in the night...

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