Saturday 25 October 2008


So before getting started with todays subject, I would just like to share with you a thought I had earlier today. I had several things running through my mind and at least three of them could be turned into a blog-entry. So I got the brilliant idea to post the three things as suggestions and have my readers decide what I should blog about. Then I came to the conclusion that I really can't see too many people following this blog with it's depressing nature. Plus, I don't believe that everyone who would have read that entry would actually vote, so that idea was best left alone...

Okay anywho, Women!
I discovered today that there are practically no women in my life, none that I know who I could hit on or for that matter even get feelings for. I was deeply sadened by that, because the truth is, most of the time I have had at least one girl whom I could give my attention to.
Now it feels like I have none. There were potentials not too long ago, but one after one they all kind of faded away. So now I try to figure women out, even though it is destined to fail.
It feels like I know nothing about women at all, they function in a different way, they snare hidden messages into many things they say etc etc.
I search my mind in order to re-examine all the things I have learned about human behaviour only to notice that most rules can't be applied to women. The reason for that is, my knowledge about human behaviour are often main issues which regard men and women alike, but don't have the depth to be applied to any of the two genders.
If I knew the human behaviour of women it would be alot easier to analyze whatever they say and whatever they do, because let's face facts, I don't really possess the art of speaking to women and I can't say I ever had.

So what I have to do is figuring women out, which just seems like a uncomfortable thing to do, and here is why. If I knew exactly how women worked I would probably discover the quantity of things I had to do to win them over. The amount of work I had to do could actually scare me away in contrary to motivating me. Many would probably say that knowing everything takes away the element of surprise and the thrill of the game. Me on the other hand would relish the chance of knowing enough so that I finally could get a girl and quit playing this depressing game. As of recent there are really no girls in sight for me, and that just sucks big time...

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