Saturday 18 October 2008


I don't mean i'm tired from blogging. I'm mentally tired. Today I have read and experienced things from a sort ouf outside "point of view". It has made me aware of certain things, one thing in particular which scares me quite a bit. My main interest is my problem, I need to find someone who can accept the fact that football is not something I like watching, it's something I NEED to watch. So I came to a conclusion that if I am ever going to be in a relationship I need to find a girl who can accept and understand my interest, or it is bound not to work. Football is one of those things I won't give up. Some might say that in order for a relationship to work you have to make some sacrifices. Football, however, is a thing I cannot sacrifice even if my life were at stake.

It still bothers me though, I can picture the day I meet a girl I like extremely much and the one thing keeping us apart is the mere fact that she probably despises football. There might be other things that I enjoy doing that doesn't sit well with girls I meet. Another question popping up in my head is "How much does the girl I meet have to be in to me to overlook my big interests, even if she despises them?"
It bothers me as hell, and yes this is on the border of insanely pessimistic thinking, but my mind is still my mind and by now you should be used to the way my mind works.

I can at least say that today and parts of yesterday have been "brighter" days since my mental collapse a couple of days ago. So it's going in the right direction, how long it will last is a totally different issue which I have no answer to. There is hope at the end of the tunnel but i'm still to afraid... damnit...

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