Wednesday 15 October 2008

Reluctant understanding.

Something tells me that certain things are to obvious for us to even be aware of. I recently noticed that even though I practically told the truth to someone regarding the person I talked to, they still didn't see that the truth was about them. Maybe we don't always want to know the truth and therefore our mind automatically shuts out whatever we may find out about our selfs.
I wish I could be more straight forward as far as the truth goes, then again im still a chicken being afraid to actually tell people how I feel. Sometimes I feel to many feelings at the same time which renders it quite confusing to tell anyone how I feel.
I just wish that I had the guts to say what I need to say, there are some who are to be considered candidates as far as knowing the truth. However I must make a choice between these candidates. Why you ask? Because at no time, what so ever, can the truth be told to more than one candidate. Outsiders may know, but that can cause problems, so I would not advice anyone to do so.

So here I am sitting, with a truth. Yet I am not certain the truth will do the persons involved any good. One reason for that is the mere fact that im not even sure myself if the truth really is the truth. There are some loopholes that I have not yet figured out, and to figure them out I have to throw myself out there, making me vulnerable to so many things and so many people. So yes I am a chicken, I am also indecisive about what to do.
I leeked another truth, that's why. So the rules have changed, because the first truth is out and with that comes change. Change that could be for the better and for the worse, unfortunately for me this is just one more thing I can't figure out.

My mind is actually starting to hurt, how am I suppose to solve this? Now that so many factors are working against me? Time stepped in and reminded me of certain things that I was also reminded of exactly one year ago. Time has helped me understand how the people involving the truth has changed over a specific period of time. Taking that into consideration I really have to be focused and one hundred percent sure of everything. Assumptions are not something I can afford right now.

Confused? I bet your not nearly as confused as I am.

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