Sunday 13 July 2008

Balancing act.

What can I say, I've had two recently good days... before this one that is. Although it hasn't been an awful day it has certainly been annoying. Waking up by the phone to the stairwell door and moments later the telephone rings only to remind me of the splitting headache I'd gotten from sleeping to hard. And yet i'm not surprised by this most annoying day. Two good days ad up to a bad one. Should the two previous day been even better, this day would without a doubt be Evil as hell!

Another thing that I'm reflecting on this day is how some discussions I've ended up in sound extremely awkward because it's almost like they're all about me, even though they're not. I'm wondering if this is someones neet trick to stirr up my mind just for the fun of it. So my thoughts have been crossing over eachother, not allowing me to think straight. So my current plan is to get alot more sleep this coming night, so that I can wake up fairly refreshed and hopefully sort out those thoughts.

Oh right, with my luck tomorrow will most certainly be an awful day, because two good days will add up to at least one half bad day and one hysterically awful day. I already hate tomorrow...

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